Alejandrina C

Albany, New York, USA

“Always, ALWAYS double check your work.”

Alejandrina C

Specialist subjects:

Education English


BSE Special Education

Northern Arizona University


Favorite referencing style

My favorite referencing style is Harvard because it is the most straightforward.

Why I became an editor

In high school, my favorite subject was English; I loved learning about grammar and looked forward to our daily classroom exercises. I began proofreading my classmates' assignments, and it was then that I discovered how much I would enjoy proofreading as a career. Not only do I have the opportunity to read and learn about different topics, but I am also able to help others improve their writing.

Background and experience

My experience in proofreading and editing started with training at the Proofreading Academy and a role at Proofed.

Why I love proofreading and editing

To me, the written word is a form of art. I love taking a document, proofreading it, and comparing the results to the original; it feels like I'm given a piece of stone that needs chiseling. In both, the author's (or artist's) voice is sometimes difficult to hear, and I enjoy helping them get their messages across.

Alejandrina C

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Favorite book:

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen


I love to explore new areas with my family and learn about herbalism.

Editing tips:

I first skim the document I'm about to work on to get an idea of what it is about. Then, as I'm working, I like to reread the sentences that came before the one I've just edited to help get my thoughts flowing again. I always reread the entire paper once I've finished to make sure I didn't miss anything.

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