Brenda D

Saint Clair Shores, United States

“Keeping up with the grammarians.”

Specialist subjects:

Art & Design Graphic Design


Graphic Design

San Diego Community College


Favorite referencing style

I am interested in the IEEE style. I like their use of numerals in brackets for the in-text citations, which refer to a complete reference list organized numerically.

Why I became an editor

My career as an editor started after graduating from high school. I got a job as a stenographer and proofreader for the in-house counsel department of an investment firm. I eventually left this field to attend college for graphic design. Many years later, I decided to go back to proofreading. My love of grammar has never left me. I am always silently correcting everything.

Background and experience

I have experience with proofreading legal documents, editing cover letters, and creating PowerPoint presentations for approximately thirteen years.

Why I love proofreading and editing

I enjoy seeing the positive results that effective proofreading brings to written material. My experience has mostly been with proofreading business and corporate legal documents, and I look forward to proofreading other styles of writing as well.

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Favorite book:

Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo is my favorite book.


In my free time, I like to cook and make art.

Editing tips:

I find it helpful to read the document out loud forward and backwards. I also have a checklist of my most commonly missed errors. Stepping away for five or ten minutes is also beneficial.

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