Glenda C

Staten Island, USA

“Every book you've ever read is just a different combination of 26 letters.”

Glenda C

Specialist subjects:

Alternative Medicine Creative Writing Education Hospitality Language & Literature Leisure Mathematics Medicine Philosophy Recreation & Tourism Sociology Women's & Gender Studies


BA in Literature/Writing

University of California, San Diego


MA in Education

University of Southern California


Favorite referencing style

I enjoy APA style the most because it is the most economical and intuitive to me.

Why I became an editor

Writing is a powerful medium of communication and a means to record the passage of time. Literature has given me a pathway to study all things. All impulses present within can manifest with the right combination of words. I have always had a natural knack for the written word, and it gives me a great sense of fulfillment to help others elevate their voices and achieve their goals when writing might otherwise get in their way.

Background and experience

I have eight years of freelancing experience with a focus on substantive editing. My editing experience began with a niche specialization in revising cover letters and personal statements for work and school, which then developed into engagement with full-length manuscripts and other large projects. I enjoy projects that demand a dynamic, holistic approach, but I also pride myself on the fine-tuning of details with the care and delicacy of a historian preserving artifacts.

Why I love proofreading and editing

I love working with words. Editing is an art to me, and words are a material that can embody the architecture of the emotions and impulses we wish to express. Stories allow us to reach across distances and pass things on through generations. At its finest, proofreading and editing can deliver messages with very little interference from the words themselves.

Glenda C

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Favorite book:

My favorite books are The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold, The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway, and Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.


I like to watch old movies, read good books, and cook!

Editing tips:

When editing, I envision a physical piece that I can mold like clay, and I leave and return to the document multiple times, taking the whole document into consideration when I make changes.

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