Michelle S

Indiana, United States

“If you have no errors in your writing, your readers will focus on your message instead of your errors.”

Specialist subjects:

Classics & Ancient History Creative Writing English International Development Linguistics Theology & Religious Studies


BA in English, Religion, and Classical Studies

Hope College


MLE in Applied Linguistics and Exegesis

Trinity Western University


Favorite referencing style

APA is my favorite because I recently spent time brushing up on its nuances.

Why I became an editor

In college, friends discovered that I enjoyed reading drafts of their papers and marking them up. My enjoyment of helping others to write well was not limited to English, and I spent over a decade working with people that spoke another language. I have assisted many people by proofreading and editing their written work. I like helping others turn their ideas into excellent writing so that their readers can focus on what they have to say instead of being distracted by their errors.

Background and experience

I worked as a translation advisor from 2007 to 2022. This involved checking translations for accuracy, clarity, naturalness, and spelling and writing mechanics. I also worked as a newsletter checker from 2010 to 2022, which involved proofreading and editing colleagues' communications.

Why I love proofreading and editing

I like how effective proofreading can take a piece of writing that has good ideas and turn it into something that communicates those ideas well. Small changes can make a big difference, and I love seeing that transformation.

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Favorite book:

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte is my favorite book.


When I'm not proofreading, I enjoy being creative in the kitchen or staying up late with a good book.

Editing tips:

If I’m checking a document with references, I like to check those first so that I can settle in with the author's own words without interruption after.

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