Nena M
Rowville, Australia
“If you want your work to be taken seriously, make sure it is spelled right.”
Specialist subjects:
Editing formats:
Favorite referencing style
I don’t have a favorite referencing style. Do people actually have a favorite?
Why I became an editor
I noticed nearly every article I read online had mistakes in it. “He” instead of “him”; “to” instead of “too”; “abuse the egg” instead of “beat the egg”; the list goes on. Apparently, everybody is in too much of a rush to get their work out there. I started proofreading for my daughter's business and found that I really enjoyed it. Proofreading not only gives me the opportunity to help others, but I also learn a lot from what I read.
Background and experience
I’ve done freelance proofreading for Elki Media. This includes blog articles and web content.
Why I love proofreading and editing
I love the challenge of finding errors and correcting them. I enjoy the study needed to continue to improve in this area. I also get to read some fantastic pieces of writing.
Favorite book:
The Bible is my favorite book, and my favorite novel is Watership Down by Richard Adams.
When I'm not proofreading, I like to study the Bible, hang out with family, and go to the movies.
Editing tips:
It’s a good idea to wait a few hours and do a final read before returning the finished work.