Ryder L

NW Rochester, United States

“Eschew obfuscation.”

Ryder L

Specialist subjects:


Editing formats:


BA in History

University of Evansville


Favorite referencing style

MLA is my favorite style because it was the system most used in my studies.

Why I became an editor

I was looking for a change in career when I learned about proofreading. It seemed like a perfect opportunity to explore an old dream of proofreading books, so I jumped right on it. Having studied history at university, I have always had a love for reading and learning. My history degree gave me an eye for detail and a desire to dig deeper into the subject at hand. I look forward to using these skills to help others with their writing.

Background and experience

I have worked at a variety of jobs, from participating in the beer brewing process to being a caretaker of fruit flies for the local university.

Why I love proofreading and editing

I enjoy the proofreading process because I get to learn about different subject areas and expand my knowledge while simultaneously helping writers to get their message across more clearly.

Ryder L

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Favorite book:

The Iron Druid Chronicles by Kevin Hearne are my favorite books.


When I'm not proofreading, I'm usually playing video games or D&D or cooking.

Editing tips:

When I first begin proofreading, I like to read it out loud first. If it sounds clunky out loud, it probably needs some tweaking.

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