Sarah T

United Kingdom

“The devil's in the details.”

Sarah T

Specialist subjects:

Classics & Ancient History Computer/Information Sciences English Fiction Philosophy

Editing formats:


BA (Hons) in Philosophy & Classics

University College Dublin


Favorite referencing style

APA is the style sheet I'm most used to.

Why I became an editor

I've spent years silently correcting people's grammar in my head, and when I was deciding what to do once my kids had grown up a bit, all my friends said I should put my love of words and attention to detail to good use.

Background and experience

I have a variety of prior proofreading experience.

Why I love proofreading and editing

I love seeing the different ways people can phrase similar ideas, and I love making sure those ideas come across as clearly as possible. No one wants their life's work, or even the heart and soul they've put into an essay, to be overlooked or misunderstood because of their attention to detail (or lack thereof).

Sarah T

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Favorite book:

I love anything by Agatha Christie, as it's always fun to try to solve the mystery before the story is over. I love Stephen King too; he creates such incredible characters.


My children take up most of my time, and then I enjoy meeting with friends so that we can talk about our kids when we're not with them. I think we need new topics of conversation!

Editing tips:

Making a checklist is crucial. It's easy, when starting out, to think you've been as thorough as you can be. So check and check again.

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