Emily A

Spixworth, United Kingdom

“Good writing is essential for clear communication of knowledge.”

Specialist subjects:

Biochemistry Bioengineering Biological Sciences Biomedical Sciences Genetics Immunology Medicine Microbiology Pathology Public Health


PhD in Molecular Microbiology

University of East Anglia


BSc in Biochemistry

University of East Anglia


Favorite referencing style

I enjoy Harvard referencing, but I like most styles!

Why I became an editor

I have a PhD in molecular microbiology, which meant I studied many subjects, including biological sciences, molecular medicine, and chemistry. During this time, I also worked as a tutor for the students studying for their BScs and I marked essays. I have always enjoyed helping students to write better essays and learn to improve the quality and clarity of their written work. Clarity in writing is essential for effective communication of knowledge, especially in the sciences.

Background and experience

My previous work and studies are centered around the sciences. I have studied biological sciences, chemistry, and molecular medicine. I also worked as a biomedical scientist in a hospital during the pandemic. In terms of previous editing experiences, these have mainly been my own PhD thesis, academic papers, and laboratory protocols.

Why I love proofreading and editing

What I love about proofreading and editing is the satisfaction in knowing I have helped make a piece of text clearer. Clarity in a piece of writing means that the knowledge that it contains can be shared more easily, and that is something I take pride in. I also enjoy the preciseness and accuracy that referencing requires, and making sure that things are referenced correctly.

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Favorite book:

Journey to the River Sea by Eva Ibbotson was my favorite book as a child, and it still is now. It’s beautifully written and it sparked my love of biology and science.


I enjoy reading, rock climbing, and beach volleyball. I am also a scout leader.

Editing tips:

Try to read through the document as if you are the target audience—can you fully understand what is being expressed, and is the meaning clear enough?

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