Kieran O

Wollongong, NSW, Australia

“Proofreading is easier when you're not also the writer.”

Kieran O

Specialist subjects:

Archaeology Earth Sciences Environmental Science Geography Geology


PhD Archaeological Science

University of Wollongong


BSc (Hons) Physical Geography and Environmental Geosciences

University of Wollongong


Favorite referencing style

APA is my favorite referencing style because it's the simplest and most aesthetically pleasing.

Why I became an editor

After reading Lynne Truss' Eats, Shoots, and Leaves as a teenager, I fell in love with punctuation and from then on I’ve enjoyed finding punctuation, spelling, and grammar errors in everything I read. It's something of an obsession.
During my PhD in archeological sciences, I discovered that, while I enjoy scientific work, my true passion is with producing high-quality written work. Therefore, it made a lot of sense to change my career path and become an editor.
Proofreading is the ideal job for me because it allows me to read, write, and live out my perfectionist tendencies.

Background and experience

Before I became an editor, I published scientific journal articles, which required extensive writing, editing, and formatting. In this way, I became familiar with the editing process.

Why I love proofreading and editing

I think it's great that I can put my fastidiousness to good use and help someone to improve their writing.

Kieran O

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Favorite book:

The Heart's Invisible Furies by John Boyne


I love reading, playing guitar, and doing yoga

Editing tips:

I like to read a document before and after editing to get a feel for the author's voice and make sure I've retained it

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