Laura B

Portage, United States

“Words are powerful. The right words are invaluable.”

Laura B

Specialist subjects:

Business & Management Environmental Science Geology


Favorite referencing style

I prefer the Vancouver style of referencing. I think the number–note system is easier to follow while writing and reading.

Why I became an editor

Spelling and grammar mistakes have always jumped out at me. Over time, I have become increasingly aware of the negative effect that these errors can have on the impact and credibility of a message. My passion for proofreading and editing arose from a desire to help people achieve their goals through their writing.

Background and experience

For nearly 20 years now, I have served as the office manager for an environmental consulting company. This position has offered me the opportunity to gain a thorough understanding of all aspects of the business as well as an appreciation for the importance of clear, concise communication and attention to detail. I have been the final set of eyes on nearly every document produced during this time, editing and formatting reports, letters, emails, forms, tables, graphs, figures and invoices.

Why I love proofreading and editing

I enjoy helping people put the finishing touches on their work, making sure it is a quality product that achieves its goal. I love reading and editing all types of writing, but I particularly like business and scientific documents as well as fiction.

Laura B

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Favorite book:

I have quite a few favorites, but I am particularly fond of Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë.


When I'm not proofreading, I love to spend time outdoors hiking and horseback riding, especially in autumn and winter. On a rainy day, I like nothing better than to curl up with a warm drink and a good book.

Editing tips:

Reading aloud is a technique I use quite often. This is particularly helpful in proofreading my own work, when it is easier to overlook mistakes.

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