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Writing Tips

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3-minute read

How to Cite a Radio Broadcast in Chicago Footnote Referencing

Have you referred to something you heard on the radio in your essay or dissertation?...

3-minute read

How to Cite a Radio Broadcast in Chicago Author–Date Referencing

When writing an academic paper, you may want to cite something you heard on the...

3-minute read

How to Cite a Poem in MHRA Referencing

If you’re writing an essay and want to cite a poem in MHRA, the process...

3-minute read

How to Cite a TV Show in MLA Referencing

If you are writing about a TV show, or you simply need to refer to...

3-minute read

Citing Multiple Works in APA Referencing

APA style uses an author–date citation format, where you cite a source by giving the...

3-minute read

How to Cite a TV or Radio Program in MHRA Referencing

If you’ve referred to a television show or radio program in your writing, it’s important...

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3-minute read

How to Cite Personal Communications in IEEE Referencing

Did you know you can cite private letters and emails in your work? Here, we’ll...

3-minute read

How to Cite a Blog Post in Harvard Referencing

Blogs can be a great source of information when researching an essay (as long as...

2-minute read

How to Cite a Standard in Chicago Footnote Referencing

Technical standards are vital in many industries, setting norms or agreed methods for common tasks....

3-minute read

How to Cite a Song or Album in MLA Referencing

If you write about music in your work, you might have to cite a recording....

2-minute read

How to Cite a Patent in Chicago Footnote Referencing

If you are writing about technical subjects, you might need to cite a patent at...

2-minute read

How to Cite a Thesis or Dissertation in IEEE Referencing

Did you know you can cite someone else’s thesis or dissertation in your own work?...

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