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Writing Tips

Our team of experts posts daily about spelling, grammar, punctuation, word choice, referencing, and more to help you better understand the English language and improve your writing skills.

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4-minute read

A Short (Etymological) History of Thanksgiving Day

Every year, on the fourth Thursday in November, Americans gather to celebrate Thanksgiving. But when...

4-minute read

5 Tips on Writing a Cliffhanger Ending for Your Novel

A ‘cliffhanger’ ending is one that ends a story on a tense, unresolved moment (such...

4-minute read

Grammar Tips: What Are Reflexive Pronouns?

Reflexive pronouns let us form sentences where the subject and object are the same thing....

3-minute read

Academic Writing: What Is a Conflict of Interest?

When conducting research, you may need to think about potential conflicts of interest. But what...

2-minute read

Word Choice: Flu, Flue or Flew?

The words ‘flu’, ‘flue’ and ‘flew’ all sound the same, yet they mean completely different...

3-minute read

World Hello Day: 5 Ways to Say ‘Hello’ in English

Today, 21 November, is World Hello Day, which encourages us to resolve differences via communication....

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3-minute read

How to Cite a Thesis or Dissertation in MHRA Referencing

Typically, when writing an essay, you will want to use published sources (e.g. books, journal...

4-minute read

5 Tips for Writing Product and Service Descriptions That Sell

Every business needs a competitive edge. And one way to do this is with high-quality...

4-minute read

Academic Writing: How to Structure a Lab Report

If you’ve done a laboratory experiment as part of your studies, you might need to...

4-minute read

Grammar Tips: What Are Auxiliary Verbs?

Most English speakers use auxiliary verbs every day, even if they’ve never heard the term...

3-minute read

Word Choice: Board vs. Bored

The words ‘board’ and ‘bored’ sound the same, so it can be easy to mix...

4-minute read

7 Tricks for Catching Up If You Fall Behind on NaNoWriMo

So, we’re halfway through NaNoWriMo. Hopefully, your novel is well underway, but we know that...

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