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Writing Tips

Our team of experts posts daily about spelling, grammar, punctuation, word choice, referencing, and more to help you better understand the English language and improve your writing skills.

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3-minute read

How to Cite a Book Review in APA Referencing

A book review is a form of literary criticism where a book is summarized or...

3-minute read

Grammar Tips: Relative Clauses

Relative clauses, also sometimes called adjective clauses, are phrases that add more information to the...

5-minute read

How to Write Your Essay Using ChatGPT

It’s tempting, isn’t it? You’ve read about and probably also witnessed how quickly ChatGPT can...

4-minute read

How to Justify Your Methods in a Thesis or Dissertation

Writing a thesis or dissertation is hard work. You’ve devoted countless hours to your research,...

4-minute read

How to Write a Thesis Chapter Outline

Are you writing a thesis? That’s amazing! Give yourself a pat on the back, because...

3-minute read

10 Creative Writing Prompts We’re Loving from TikTok

If you’re suffering from writer’s block, the internet is full of interesting prompts to get...

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4-minute read

How to Avoid Incremental Plagiarism

You probably know that plagiarism – that scary word many of us first learned in...

3-minute read

Chicago Referencing – How to Cite a Book

The Chicago Manual of Style actually sets out rules for two separate citation styles: in-text...

4-minute read

Grammar Tips: Superlative Adjectives

Superlative adjectives (not to be confused with comparative adjectives) are the best adjectives in English!...

5-minute read

An Intro to the 7 Guidelines for Ethical Research

If you’re conducting research, perhaps for publication in a journal or as part of your...

7-minute read

How to Respond to a Complaint (When the Customer Is Wrong!)

Every business professional will agree that dealing with difficult customers isn’t fun. No matter how...

4-minute read

5 Grammar Rules That Can be Broken in English

If you’re learning English, you’ve probably noticed that it comes with quite a few rules...

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