Loretto C

Oakwood, United States

“I will make your writing shine.”

Specialist subjects:

Building Business & Management Construction & Development English Journalism Marketing Public Relations Real Estate


MA in Teaching English

Brown University


BA in English Literature

Princeton University


Favorite referencing style

The American Psychological Association referencing style is my favorite. It's clean, clear, and logical.

Why I became an editor

During a four-decade career as a journalist, I learned to unleash the power of the English language in all its grit and glory and write compelling stories. After that, I learned to write engaging copy that improves websites. I am forever grateful to the newspaper and marketing colleagues who edited my work and made it shine. I became an editor so I can use everything they taught me to help other people.

Background and experience

I worked as a contract digital copywriter for Lennar Corp. I was a staff reporter for the Brooklyn Eagle, the New York Daily News, Crain's New York Business, the Miami Herald, and Miami News. I was an associate editor on the staff of Financial World magazine, the Florida Bureau Chief for Adweek magazine in Miami, a freelance foreign correspondent for Newsweek, Business Week, and McGraw-Hill Publications, and an assistant editor for Current Biography.

Why I love proofreading and editing

Proofreading makes it perfect. That's my mantra. I believe in active verbs, parallel structure, and flawless spelling. I'm obsessed with tiny details that big picture thinkers don't have the patience to deal with. And I love to use that obsession to help them present their ideas flawlessly.

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Favorite book:

My favorite book is The Complete Signet Classic Shakespeare with all of William Shakespeare's plays, sonnets, and other poems.


I love to visit Ohio farm towns filled with nineteenth-century architecture and down-home diners. I love to read novels, watch movies, and spend time with my family. And once a year, I participate in a Shakespeare Sonnet Slam.

Editing tips:

Never neglect the basics. Set your proofing language before you do anything else. Use "find and replace" to check for possible errors. Always run a spell check. Read the document first. Take breaks.

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