Rebecca O

Greenville, United States

“We all look better without the wrinkles.”

Rebecca O

Specialist subjects:

Anthropology Communication & Media Studies Cultural Studies English Language & Literature Linguistics Social Sciences Sociology TESOL Theology & Religious Studies


BA in English (and Ancient Languages)


MA in Linguistics

University of South Carolina


Favorite referencing style

MLA is my favorite referencing style because the in-text citations are minimally intrusive for the reader.

Why I became an editor

The closest thing to magic I've ever seen is two people understanding each other. When this happens— whether it’s in conversation, in a presentation, or in writing—it delights and intrigues me to no end. I first studied the structure of language as an undergraduate, and then I explored the sociology and teaching of language in graduate school. For the past 20 years as an editor and trainer focused on communication, it's been my privilege to help people land their messages effectively.

Background and experience

Working in English as a second language, I've edited and proofread everything, from doctoral dissertations in theology, to sociolinguistic articles for journals, to business presentations for expatriate managers. I’ve led seminars in cross-cultural communication skills for international managers for the past 20 years and taught business writing courses, negotiation classes, persuasion techniques, and skills for delivering feedback across different languages and cultures.

Why I love proofreading and editing

I enjoy the work of understanding what a writer is trying to communicate and helping them streamline it for their audience.

Rebecca O

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Favorite book:

The Social Animal by Elliot Aronson is my favorite book.


My hobbies include reading about architecture, interior design, and landscaping; studying and teaching culture, communication, and personality theory; and running, hiking, and playing volleyball.

Editing tips:

I like to read the document first to get in the writer's head as best I can. I then try to edit from the perspective of the intended audience and remove any barriers to successful communication.

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