• 4-minute read
  • 8th March 2020

Why Does Referencing Gain You Extra Marks?

Many people find referencing sources hard or boring. But you should take referencing seriously, as it can get you extra marks on your essays!

Why? Because it shows you have engaged with existing research and understand conventions regarding how to cite other people’s work. And why is this important? There are several reasons.

1. Joining the Conversation

An academic discipline is like an conversation between thousands of thinkers and researchers, past and present. So, when you write about a specific subject in an essay, you contribute to that conversation.

Citing your sources thus demonstrates the depth of your knowledge, while also making your arguments more authoritative by drawing upon those who have discussed similar ideas before you.

2. Academic Honesty

The main purpose of referencing is to give credit where it’s due. By citing your sources, you clearly indicate the influence that other people have had on your work, thereby ensuring your work is academically honest.

Failure to cite sources, on the other hand, can lead to accusations of plagiarism, especially if you quote a source without using ‘quotation marks’ or leaving a citation. If you are found to have plagiarised another writer in your work, this will negatively impact your final mark.

In serious cases of plagiarism, you may even lose your place on your course!

And don’t be tempted to think you can get away with it! Plagiarism is easy to spot and becoming even easier identify thanks to software such as Turnitin, which is now widely used. To avoid plagiarising a source accidentally, then, make sure to clearly cite all sources you’ve used in your research.

3. Distinguishing Your Ideas from Other People’s

In academic writing, you may need to engage critically with opposing ideas. For example, you may need to critique an idea you disagree with or discuss two conflicting theories. When doing this, though, it is important to differentiate between your own ideas and those of the thinkers you are discussing.

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A well-placed citation should remove any ambiguity about this, thus ensuring you can express your ideas clearly.

4. It Saves Detective Work for Your Reader

While researching a paper, you’ll probably need to check the reference list on a website or in a book to find other relevant sources. This is, in fact, an essential skill for any researcher. It’s also another good reason to cite your sources, as without clear citations (including full bibliographic detail in the reference list) your reader will find it difficult to find the texts you’ve used.

5. Demonstrating Academic Skills

As the above factors hopefully indicate, referencing is a key skill in the academic world. Consequently, by citing your sources clearly and consistently, you prove to your reader that you are a diligent academic. And this alone can make the difference between a passing and failing grade.

6. To Support Your Arguments

Most of the time, an essay will put forth an argument based upon existing knowledge. Because of this, you will usually assume certain background knowledge about the thinker or theory in question. Citing sources is a good way to acknowledge this information without having to explain it in full.

For instance, if you are making brief reference to a concept or theory in your work and don’t want to waste space explaining it at length, you can instead offer a brief summary and cite the person who first developed the idea.

This makes your arguments stronger, as it shows the reader exactly who you’re referring to and demonstrates valuable academic skills. But it also saves space in your essay, making it easier to focus on your main argument.

Expert Academic Proofreading

Proofed’s expert academic editors have in-depth knowledge of dozens of referencing systems and citation styles, so we can help ensure your citations are always clear and consistent. To find out how proofreading could help you win extra marks, try our free sample service today!

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