Education Proofreading And Editing Services

Clear, error-free writing made simple

A skyline with tall skyscrapers pointing up to the sky.

Proofreading For Precision

Communication skills are vital for a career in education. So, whether you’re a teacher or studying education, you’ll need to write clearly and concisely. And you’ll need your written documents to be error free, setting a great example for your students.

But every writer makes mistakes sometimes. And that’s why we offer specialised education proofreading services, helping you to ensure your writing is always the best it can be.

Proofreading Tailored For Educators

As an educator, you may have to adapt your language depending on who you’re writing for. A school report, for example, may be more formal than feedback on students’ work. And as such, you need a proofreading service that is equally adaptable.

The good news is that our expert editors know how to prepare documents for different kinds of readers, ranging from school pupils to education professionals. And since we operate with a strict privacy policy, you can trust us to produce great results with complete professionalism every time.

A dedicated team of
expert editors
working 24/7, 365
days a year

We pair your document with the perfect editor based on the level of your work and the subject matter to ensure that you’re always matched with the proofreader most suited to you.

  • Editor - Jayne L

    Dr Jayne L

    Expert Editor

  • Editor - Samira M

    Samira M

    Expert Editor

  • Linda R

    Expert Editor

  • Editor - Chloe L

    Chloe L

    Expert Editor

  • Expert Editor and Proofreader Dr Jenny E

    Dr Jenny E

    Expert Editor

  • 100%

    Human Editors

  • 75%

    Female Editors

  • Qualified in over


    subject areas

  • 97%

    Hold Graduate Degrees

  • Over


    Hold PhDs

Education Proofreading Services

When you submit a document to our site, one of our expert proofreaders will:

  • Correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors
  • Make sure all terminology is clear and consistent
  • Ensure the tone of the document is suitable for the audience
  • Fix issues with sentence structure and readability
  • Provide feedback on writing style and vocabulary

With most documents, we also provide an MS Word Track Changes copy of your work when we’re finished. This will highlight every single edit we’ve made, allowing you to review our work for complete control over the final draft.

And if you’re using a file format that doesn’t support Track Changes, we can adapt our process to match. See our supported formats page for more information.

Education Editing Services For Students

Our student proofreading service is designed to follow academic plagiarism guidelines. Consequently, you’ll want to use this service if you’re studying education or training as a teacher.

However, we also offer a full editing service. So if you’re an educator or school representative looking for someone who can:

  • Ensure all documentation is clear and correct
  • Assist with preparing communications and marketing material
  • Work to (or even help you develop) an in-house style guide

Then contact Proofed today to find out how we can help.

How We Work

Lightning-Fast Delivery

You’ll never miss a deadline with our speedy services: our Next-Day Guarantee means we’ll return any document up to 8,000 words long within 24 hours.

And if you need a faster turnaround, simply select your desired delivery speed when you submit your document. We have three options:


24 hours


12 hours*


3 hours**

We can also meet custom deadlines! Just let us know what you need. 

* For documents up to 8,000 words

** For documents up to 3,000 words

Great Pricing

Our pricing is affordable and transparent – the cost is based on the exact length of your document. Check out our pricing calculator for an instant quote, and rest assured that you’ll receive the highest quality proofreading and editing for the best value on the market.

All Major Formats

Our system supports over 15 document formats, making it easy to submit content for proofreading and editing. Click the link below to find out more about how we’ll work with your document.

Learn More About Formats


Our team of over 750 professional editors includes experts on thousands of topics. As a result, we can pair you with the perfect proofreader for your writing, no matter the subject.


Our support team is available around the clock to address any concerns or questions you have about your order. This means you’ll never be left in the dark, no matter where you are or what time it is.

Trusted by thousands of leading
institutions and businesses

Looking for the perfect
editing partner?

Let our expert editors get started on your education material for free today.